Learning to Connect with the Met

I don’t know about you, but I’m a little intimidated by going to the Opera. I’m not super familiar with the stories or what I should expect. This is where Dennis Neil Kleinman’s Opera Connections come in. Before select broadcasts (like the one this weekend), Dennis hosts a lively discussion about what to expect from the show. Filled to the brim with fun facts, modern day influences, and music, Dennis not only makes Oprea fun (no small feat) but he also makes it easy to understand and relatable. All for just $14. Oh and did I mention that there are snacks!

So here’s my plan, I’m going to come learn about the Opera from Dennis and then experience my very first Met broadcast this weekend, and I hope you’ll join me. Come by, have some pastries and coffee, learn about the Opera, oh and you’ll get to meet Dennis (fun fact, he wrote the Reading Rainbow theme song).  See you on Saturday!