📸 of the Music Hall’s Historic Theater dome and chandelier by Will Zimmerman
“Arts and cultural organizations are uniquely positioned to build civic capacity for public discourse around controversial issues and difficult history. This recognition and call to action is not new; indeed, it’s in the very nature of cultural organizations to help people understand their world.”
from Nonprofit Quarterly
“Reckoning with a Reckoning: How Cultural Institutions Can Advance Equity”
by Kim Zeuli, Maria Rosario Jackson, and Seth Beattie February 23, 2021
Continuously looking for ways to bring forward issues on
Climate Change: Addressing current climate change issues in our community and beyond.
Leadership & Entrepreneurship: Learning lessons from today’s leaders and how we can be inspired by leaders of tomorrow.
Addiction & Recovery: Confronting the serious problem of addiction and spotlighting the resources of recovery that are available.
Social Justice, Anti-racism, & Human Rights: Seeking a more just and equitable society for all.
Education, Accessibility, & Inclusion: Providing affordable programming for the largest possible segment of our community and committing to an attitude of lifelong learning.
Isolation & Mental Health: Identifying opportunities to address issues around mental health, wellness, and the increasing problems of social isolation.
The Music Hall has been and will continue to be at the forefront of tackling issues regarding social justice and inclusivity. We are a community gathering place and as such we have the responsibility to make sure all voices are represented. We will continue to connect with our community partners and forge new partnerships. We are not only looking outward but we are also looking inward by asking ourselves how can we continue to learn. How do we as an organization become more inclusive? We are all on a journey together, taking steps to a more just, equitable, and free world.
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Interconnections Events
All the events that fall within the Interconnections series.