with "Democracy Awakening"

Please Note: Due to unforeseen travel delays, the Heather Cox Richardson event is delayed to 8pm. 

In the midst of the impeachment crisis of 2019, Heather Cox Richardson launched the popular daily newsletter Letters from an American, and its readership ballooned to more than 2 million dedicated readers relying on her plainspoken and informed take on the present and past in America. 

In Democracy Awakening, Richardson crafts a compelling and original narrative, explaining how, over the decades, a small group of wealthy people has made war on American ideals. By weaponizing language and promoting false history, they have led us into authoritarianism — creating a disaffected population and then promising to recreate an imagined past where those people could feel important again. She argues that taking our country back starts by remembering the elements of the nation’s true history that marginalized Americans have always upheld. Richardson sees this history as a roadmap for the nation’s future.

In her trademark calm prose, she is realistic and optimistic about the future of democracy. Her command of history allows her to pivot effortlessly from the Founders to the abolitionists to Reconstruction to Goldwater to Mitch McConnell, highlighting the political legacies of the New Deal, the lingering fears of socialism, the death of the liberal consensus, and the birth of “movement conservatism.”  

Many books tell us what has happened over the last five years. Democracy Awakening explains how we got to this perilous point, what our history really tells us about ourselves, and what the future of democracy can be.

Heather Cox Richardson is Professor of History at Boston College. She has written about the Civil War, Reconstruction, the Gilded Age, and the American West in several award-winning books. Her work has appeared in the Washington Post, the New York Times, and The Guardian, among other outlets. She is the cohost of the Vox Media podcast, Now & Then.

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