Looking Back, Looking Forward

Here at The Music Hall, an American Treasure and historic landmark, it feels like history is being made every day inside and outside our doors. New partnerships and collaborations are formed, and artists step onto our stages for the first time. And as we move forward into the 2021-2022 season, we must pay homage to everything that came before us.

It’s already proving to be a memorable season with sold-out shows, the return of celebrated acts, a Broadway musical—and everything a pandemic brings as well. The new season will feature everything you love and have missed. With a busy fall, we look forward to what we hope to be a phenomenal winter and spring. We kick off the historic year with the completion of the Bite-sized History video series by historian J. Dennis Robinson and filmmaker Jay Childs. Dennis brings his characteristic wit and 400 years worth of Portsmouth’s history to the small screen in digestible bites, and trust me, this guy can make you giggle! 

In more recent history, we’ve learned the importance of connecting in any way we can, be it over a screen (and often across the country or farther), or outside in the sun with local artists and friends. As the community has rallied together in the past, let’s continue to do so now. Take care of one another, and we will make it through this. See you soon.