New Year’s Resolution: Read More Books

We’re a week into the New Year and New Year’s resolutions are already falling apart for me. The only one I can ever keep going through the year is reading more! 

You probably have more resolve than I do, but in case you need a little nudge, here are some books that will teach you something new or help you complete your Goodreads Reading Challenge. 

If you’re a history buff or resolve to learn more this year, consider the event with David Blight on Jan. 16. Frederick Douglass, the Pultizer Prize winner for 2019, dives deeper into the famous fugitive slave and abolitionist’s life and as I’ve been reading, the phrase “history repeats itself” comes to mind often. David W. Blight has written an important book for our time, and it serves as a reminder of eloquence through the spoken and written word. 

As someone who recently found new family members through DNA kits, I’m particularly interested in Dani Shapiro’s Inheritence, and her conversation with Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of New York Times bestseller The Body Keeps the Score and leading expert on trauma, should be absolutely fascinating! This is also a podcast event, which will be aired on Dani Shapiro’s popular podcast Family Secrets

For those who like horror and Stephen King, you have to read The Invited by Jennifer McMahon. This ghost story with a twist will keep me up at night, but I’m excited to hear how Jennifer came up with this spooky story on Feb. 13 when she comes to the Writers in the Loft

Fellow nerds, don’t miss Brian Greene’s new book, Until the End of Time. He made groundbreaking discoveries in superstring theory, but he explains concepts of space and time in ways that everyone can understand. I for one am looking forward to learning something new on Feb. 20.