Our Playbill is a Real Page-Turner

Highly recommended and suitable for all ages: The 2022-23 Season Playbill!
When I was young, I dreamed of being a published author. I haven’t yet written the great American novel but in some ways that dream has come true: In the six years I’ve been at The Music Hall you’ve read my work in blogs like this one, in the magazine, and of course, in my favorite publication, the Season Playbill.
This year the Season Playbill – that gorgeous book of information about our programs and operations – is particularly heavy on content and sure to fly off the shelves. Much of this new content is in direct response to the suggestions we received from our patrons, particularly those of you who filled out the Strategic Plan survey sent out by our friends, University of New Hampshire.
The next time you take your seat for a show, grab a copy of the Season Playbill to review Music Hall policies, learn more about our Board or staff, read about our work in the community, and more. Don’t forget to complete the crossword puzzle on page 160. (We did our best to squeeze a lot on a little page; large print versions are available at the Box Office.) Take a picture of your completed puzzle and email it to Crossword@TheMusicHall.org with your name and phone number to receive a free popcorn pass and be entered to win a $100 Music Hall gift certificate. You may need to do some reading to find all the answers for the crossword but I promise you it will be fun. And while you’re hunting for clues, be sure to take in the beautiful and clever placements from our incredible family of members, donors, and partners.
The Playbill is also available online, as an interactive document. Full page, full color placements in the digital version offer hyperlinks to take you directly to the websites of our supporters. Some of them, like the New Hampshire Liquor & Wine Outlet, take you to pages with fun offers! Click through to learn more.
We are grateful for the generous support of our sponsors and partners. Take a moment to get to know them – and The Music Hall – through our Playbill. Their support, along with yours, provides the solid financial foundation we need to present inspiring programs and educational initiatives.
I’ll conclude with a question for you to ponder as you read: how do I make the bestseller list if we keep giving away our publications?