The Music Hall


At A Glance: Starting July 2024

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Don’t miss your chance to enter our #MeowsicHall Challenge Campaign

Don’t miss your chance to enter our #MeowsicHall Challenge

When we first came up with the idea for the #MeowsicHall challenge I thought we would get a few submissions of fun, cute pictures and over the last two weeks, I’ve been pleasantly surprised but the almost adorable 200 submissions I’ve gotten. I’ve been obsessively checking The Music Hall’s Instagram account to see what new photos we had been tagged in and I’ll admit I’ve gotten a little attached to these cats (I’ve included some of them in this post). Read More Read More
Cat videos take over the Historic Theater Campaign

Cat videos take over the Historic Theater

I have a confession: I follow a cat on Instagram, making me one of Goal Kitty’s 4000+ followers, I also follow an adorable puppy, but that’s for another blog post. As someone who has worked in social media for longer than I care to admit, I’m still fascinated by how popular pictures and videos of cats are. Every time I scroll through any of my social streams I come across at least one video of a cat doing something that is sure to make me smile. Read More Read More
Film discussion: The Lady in the Van Wildcard

Film discussion: The Lady in the Van

The lives of actors are idiosyncratic things, and you just never know when (or if) a big break is going to come along. It happened to Michael Keaton with his breakout role in Birdman. And if Caddyshack hadn’t come along, Rodney Dangerfield would never have gotten a chance to make Easy Money and Back to School. (And we all know what a loss that would have been.) Read More Read More
Film discussion Tuesday night: Chi-Raq Wildcard

Film discussion Tuesday night: Chi-Raq

So, Spike Lee. Spike Lee is a filmmaker who loves to put a burr under people’s saddle. From She’s Gotta Have It in 1986 through Do the Right Thing in 1989 (arguably his masterpiece, at least in terms of controversy) to Malcolm X in 1992 and Bamboozled in 2000, Lee produced a string of accomplished films on black themes that got crossways with lots of people. Read More Read More
The Oscars are coming! See nominated films at TMH. Wildcard

The Oscars are coming! See nominated films at TMH.

I remember when I was very young curling up on the couch, in my princess dress, watching the Oscars. None of the movies that I would have picked to win Best Picture won, to be fair the only one I had seen was Beauty and the Beast, and I had never heard of most of the films that were nominated but it seemed so glamorous to me. Read More Read More
Film discussion: Room Wildcard

Film discussion: Room

While it’s true that January has thrown a bit of snow into the mix, many New Englanders are still a little uneasy at the relative tolerability of winter thus far. There’s a suspicion that we’re just being toyed with, and that the Killer January Storm is still in Winter’s pocket, just waiting to be thrown at us. Read More Read More
Film discussion: Spotlight Wildcard

Film discussion: Spotlight

Anyone who has ever recommended a movie to a friend knows the dilemma: You can be calm and judicious in your praise and risk sounding unenthusiastic (which means they won’t want to see it); or you can jump up and down and use every superlative at your disposal (which, for many young people is confined to “Awesome!”) and risk raising their expectations so high that they’re disappointed with the movie and will never watch another movie you recommend. Read More Read More

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